- Robert Root- Bernstein, The tragic cost of premature consensus, The Free Press, New York, 1993
- John Lauritsen, The AIDS war. Propaganda, Profiteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex, Asklepios, New York, 1993
- Robert E. Willner, Deadly Deception, The Proof That SEX and HIV Absolutely DO NOT CAUSE AIDS, Peltec Publishing Co., USA, 1994
- John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton, Toxic Sludge Is Good For You. Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry, Common Courage Press, 1995
- Elinor Burkett, The Gravest Show on Earth. America in the Age of AIDS, Picador USA, 1995
- Peter Duesberg, Inventing the AIDS virus, forwarded by Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, Regnery Publishing, Inc, Washington D.C, 1996
- Steven Epstein, Impure Science. Aids, Activism and the Politics of Knowledge, University of California Press, 1996
- Christine Maggiore, What if Everything you Thought you Knew about AIDS was Wrong?, The American Foundation for AIDS Alternatives, CA 1996, third edition 1997
- Peter Duesberg/John Yiamouyiannis, AIDS, Michaels Verlag 1998
- Jon Rappoport, AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century, Truth Seeker Company UK (first edition 1998), Namaste Company USA (second edition 2004)
- David Allyn, Make love, not war. The Sexual Revolution: An Unfettered History, Little, Brown and Company, 2000
- Michael Leitner, MYTHOS HIV, Verlag videel OHG, 2000
- Steven Ransom & Phillip Day, World Without AIDS, Credence Publications, England, 2000
- Gary Null with James Feast, AIDS. A second opinion, Seven Stories Press, New York, 2002
- John Crewdson, Science Fictions, A Scientific Mystery, a Massive Cover Up, and the Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo, Little Brown and Company, Boston, New York, London, 2002
- John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton, Trust Us, We`re the Experts! How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with your Future, Penguin, New York 2002
- Gerhard Buchwald, Vaccination: A Business Based on Fear, translated into English by Erwin Alber, Books on Demand 2003.
- Karl Krafeld/Stefan Lanka/u.a., Impfen - Volkermord im dritten Jahrtausend? klein-klein-verlag, 2003
- Jean-Claude Roussez, SIDA, Supercherie scientifique et Arnaque humanitaire, Marco Pietteur, editeur, Belgique 2004.
- Karl Krafeld/Stefan Lanka, Das Volkerstrafgesetzbuch verlangt die Uberwindung der Schulmedizin!, klein-klein-verlag, 2004
- Michelle Cochrane, When AIDS Began. San Francisco and the Making of an Epidemic, Routledge, New York and London, 2004
- Etienne de Harven & Jean Claude Roussez, Les 10 plus gros mensonges sur le Sida, editions Dangles, France 2005
- Celia Farber, Serious Adverse Events, An Uncensored History of AIDS, Melville House Publishing, 2006
- Stephen Davis, Wrongful Death, The AIDS Trial, a Novel, Virtualbookworm.com Publishing Inc., 2006
- Stefan Lanka/Hans-Ulrich Niemitz/Veronika Widmer/Karl Krafeld, Die Vogelgrippe - Der Krieg der USA gegen die Menschheit, klein-kleinverlag, 2006
- Stephen Davis, Are you positive? Virtualbookworm.com, 2007
- Rebecca Culshaw, Science Sold Out. Does HIV really cause AIDS?, foreward by Harvey Bialy, The Terra Nova Series, 2007
- Henry H. Bauer, The Origin, Persistence and Failings of HIV/AIDS Theory, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2007
- Torsten Engelbrecht & Claus Kohnlein, Virus Mania. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense (translated by German), Trafford Publishing, 2007
- Luc Montagnier,Les Combats de la vie, JC Lattes,Paris, 2008
- G.Vythoulkas, A new dimension in Medicine, Adam ed, 1994, 1998
- G. Vythoulkas, Homeopathy - Medicine for the new Millenium, Parisianos Scientific Publications, 2001
- Janine Roberts, "Fear of the Invisible: How scared should we be of viruses and vaccines, HIV and AIDS?" Impact Investigative Media Productions, 2008. New edition 2009.
Документальные видеофильмы:
- "HIV=AIDS, Fact or Fiction?", by Stephen Allen (1997)
- "Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS", by Gary Null (2004)
- "The Other Side of AIDS", by Robin Scovill (2004)
- "Guinea Pig Kids", by Liam Scheff (2004)
- "AIDS Inc.", by Gary Null. (2007)
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